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Blog - North Eastern new website

Announcing the Launch of our new website


Announcing the Launch of our New Website

North Eastern Uniforms & Equipment, Inc is excited to announce the launch of their newly designed Web site, which goes live the week of March 11, 2013.

The site’s homepage features a clean uncluttered design and rotating slides aimed at featuring the latest products and promotions.

Departments that are currently set up with our online ordering process will still be able to place orders through the "Department Log In" button.

The new site is sectioned into four parts: SHOP NOW, CURRENT NEWS, ABOUT US and CONTACT US.

The CURRENT NEWS will feature industry related articles, company announcements & promotions.

The website will be updated on a regular basis with new products, promotional ads and news. We will be encouraging our clients to provide feedback via the website, and also to sign up for our newsletter.

North Eastern Uniforms would like to extend an immense “THANK YOU” to the team over at Image Box Productions, Inc. for all of their hard work on our new website. THANKS!